
The Lost Festival of FUERTEVENTURA

26TH JUNE - 10TH JULY 2020

The Lost Festival of LANZAROTE

17TH JULY - 31ST JULY 2020

 the lost Festivals EVENTs

The Lost Festivals (originally named Festival de Arte Fuerteventura and Festival de Arte Lanzarote) are the new format for the 2020 events organised by Lacuna Festivals.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic it is simply not safe or possible to hold large-scale events of any nature this summer. However, we feel that it is super important in these unprecedented times to keep the creative vibe going, support artists to stay connected to their creativity/making and keep artists talking to and sharing with each other.

As such, we have transformed the original format and created fully digital festivals to replace the physical events that have been cancelled. The festivals will run for four weeks across the summer months and will be easily accessible to anyone with the internet and a screen!  There will be lots of events you can take part in and they will be listed here as and when they are confirmed.





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